We’ve helped make hundreds of businesses, just like yours, successful. But don’t take our word for it – check out some of our major successes.
We kick things off with our 120 Day Program that sets you up to win.
Instantly. Once your data like invoices, sales and stocktaking is in the platform you can pull real-time reports in a second. And on any device.
We’re already integrated with all major POS, invoicing and accounting systems. If you’re with one that we haven’t yet partnered with, we can put that right pretty quick.
Only if your supplier is already part of our buying group.
If they aren’t, they’ll need to apply to be a part of our buying group. Otherwise we’ll introduce you to a number of brilliant local suppliers.
We’re up in the cloud so you can access it anytime, anywhere – as long as you have an internet connection. And, yes it works on all your devices.
Once you’re up to speed on how it all works it usually cuts down a Chef’s admin time from 2 days to only a few hours.
Absolutely not.
We’re not interested in coming and taking things over. We’re here to help you get control by using the tools to run things your own way. Our system just helps you delegate effectively, spend less time on admin, give clarity on what’s going on in your kitchen, and keep you focused on what really matters — creating great food your patrons love.
As much as they need.
We’re available on the phone, and email, to answer any questions they have. We’ll also provide ongoing 3, 6 and 12-month check-ins to make sure all is on track and you’re getting the most out of your system.
That’s what the Yes Chef program is for.
Our team are all hospitality professionals so they speak your staff’s language and know how to get the messages through. We’ll run an on-boarding training program when you start and keep them on track with 3, 6 and 12-month check-ins